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A 3-month experience to elevate your offer, clarify your message, and make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider.

This is the place where coaches, consultants, and service-based providers
learn to make 2k At A Time, Consistently.

Are You Coming?

To You, The Amazing Coach, Consultant, and Service-Based Provider Dreaming About
Getting Paid, Feeling Confident,
And Achieving What's Possible
Without Sacrificing Your Life, Health, & Family.

I see you, entrepreneur...

You are great at what you do, but when it comes to making money with your business in a way that reflects your zone of genius AND converts into paying clients... you feel stuck.

You are attracting clients, but not THE ONES THAT PAY YOU. You see other entrepreneurs celebrating their paying clients, and you can't help but wonder "how? What are their including in their offers?"

You know you need to charge for the value you create for your clients, but you don't feel confident making offers.

Even though deep down you know the value of what you offer is 10x more than what you charge, you don't fully see yourself as the kind of entrepreneur that attracts paying clients on repeat.

You know that you are missing a marketing strategy and a sales process that brings you predictable results, but you are here determined to keep going until you become a paid coach, consultant, and service-based provider.

At the end of the day, you go to bed feeling you can't trust yourself in navigating crucial client conversations and preventing critical mistakes with your growing business. 

Until now.

I'm going to show you how making offers can feel as easy as asking for your favorite drink.

Whether you want to make high-ticket offers or feel undeniable confident selling at your current price...

this is for you.

I believe it's simply NOT okay that less skilled people make more money and get more clients when YOU are more competent.

I've been in your shoes...

I understand what it's like to be amazing at what you do but not know how to sign clients consistently because your marketing message is not converting and is not connecting your solution to your potential client's problem. 

When I became a coach, I, too, needed a program that showed me what to do. I wanted a program that taught me how to be in the world to have a successful business and really live my life.

I was a coach that needed a program to show me how to stop being a people pleaser and how to sign paying clients. I wanted to attract clients but my fear of being judged and ask for money drove clients away or made me attract clients that wanted my service for free.

So, I created 2k At A Time.

This is why I now help coaches, consultants, and service-based providers clarify their message, attract the right people, and get paying clients without complex sales funnels.

2k At A Time is for you if...

You're a coach, consultant, and service-based provider wishing you had the exact steps of how to sign clients for money.

You want to uncover the factors that differentiate a struggling entrepreneur from someone who makes a $1k to $100k offer, regardless of their niche or experience.

You want to learn the essential ingredients to craft an irresistible offer that compells clients to buy with certainty, and practically throw their credit card at you.

You want to learn how to choose the perfect price for your offer in a way that allows you to stand behind it with integrity when you sell.

You want to know how to use precise messaging to promote your offer and make it easy for paying clients to be a "hell yes."

You know you can't keep doing this forever without paying clients coming in, and you worry about the time and money that this is costing you.

You want to become a hardcore action taker and a go-getter.

You want mindset expansion and a step-by-step process you can follow all the way.

You have experienced stress, frustration, inadequacy, and even shame when you've tried to sign clients.

You wonder what other entrepreneurs have figured out that you haven't, and you ask yourself if this is supposed to be hard.

You want your time to be totally in your control to enjoy your life, and you want to learn how to solve any problem in your business.

You know you can create amazing results and know you could do this alone, but you want to collapse the timeline of what's possible to achieve in your personal, professional, and business life.

Why 2k At A Time works for you

When you start 2k At A Time, our first goal is to make your money back, and you get the support to make that happen.

No matter what your personal and educational background is, or what business experience you have, 2k At A Time provides you with the formulas and tools you need to make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider.

You will understand and implement the different marketing and selling principles that have been tested and created results for many other entrepreneurs.

You will only focus on the vital steps for you to clarify your message and make money. I will teach you the math, and I will coach you on that mental drama that can keep you stuck.

You will learn how to dismantle all the stress, anxiety, and shame that prevents you from selling and signing paying clients.

You will learn how to sign your very first client, and how to create consistent clients.

You will learn how to make your first $2,000 because even when those first $2,000 are the hardest to make, they are the foundation of you making a living as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider. Once you know how to make $2,000 at a time consistently, you will know how to do it for the rest of your life.

You get high-impact coaching so that you get every bit of the personalized support that you need to excel in implementing the 2K At A Time Process.

2k At A Time takes out all the guess work and teaches you exactly what to do and how to handle the mindset and the emotions that come with the process.

This is how you get paid.

Know what to do. Know how to feel amazing doing it.

That's what Ziv experienced going through the process:

Here's how we do it


Most coaches, consultants, and service-based providers think
PAYING CLIENTS are hard to get...

That you need:




I'm here to tell you -  YOU DON'T

What if I told you that signing clients could be SIMPLE and is easier than you think?

And that you could attract paying clients by simply learning how to clarify your marketing message in a way that speaks to your paying clients.

Because the truth is paying clients are everywhere.

It's not rocket science. Paying clients are not hiding.

The only thing between you and them is the way you speak your message to capture their attention.

And the only two things you need to get paid are:

1. Knowing the formulas you need to make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider.
2. Knowing how to handle the emotions and the thought-drama of the formulas you need to make money

It's that simple.

And I teach you both in 2K At A Time.

Your Most Valuable Asset Is The Way You Articulate
The Value Of What You Do And The Results Your Clients Get

That's why I created 2K At A Time with the goal of creating an example of what's possible to achieve as a paid and confident coach, consultant, and service-based provider.

You will learn how to take the exact actions steps that sign clients and how to implement the belief systems and the mindset of a paid entrepreneur who always knows how to sign clients.

The more you sell yourself on your own offer, the easier it will be to create desire for your offer in your clients.

You will learn how to run consultations like a true expert who is interested in serving your clients while at the same time guiding your clients' decision-making process with the way you help them overcome their own objections.

I walk you through every single step inside the
2k At A Time program.

I will tell you all the things you need to know and all the things you don't need to do...

just to make sure that you don't get off track.

You will learn to keep your attention on what your clients want from you.

  • Your clients are only concerned with getting results for themselves.

  • They want to know you can help them. 

  • They want to know that the solution you offer will work for them.

  • They want to know how to get started and the first step they have to take.

  • They don't care about your website, how many clients you've worked with in the past, what certifications or educational background you have, or how much of an expert you are.

  • Your clients want a solution to a problem, and they want to trust you to be the person who can deliver their results.

This means that you simply need to START.

You make more money the better you get at coaching the prospect on their decision-making process.

When you join 2K At A Time...

You start with your first 2k. First, we focus on making your 2k back, and then we will build your business one simple step at a time. 

You manage your mindset and elevate your emotional intelligence so you can show up for yourself in a way that will allow you to fail your way to success.

You know what activities to prioritize when you don't have clients and what activities to eliminate off your calendar.

You know how to measure your progress and results so that you can evaluate what is working, what is not working, and how to know what to do in your business when you need to make adjustments.

You know how to talk about money in a way that feels natural without paralyzing you or making you feel weird.

You find what fits you because you know that there's no one-size-fits-all. 

You follow your own path, do your own thing, and create a business that doesn't look like anyone else's but that's exactly what you wanted yours to look like.

You master selling your service and your value.

You make money. It's that simple.

And... we work together on your business for life.


Is a 3-month experience to help you elevate your offer, clarify your message, and make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider. 

This is the place where
you create the impossible in your own life.

Are You Coming?

The life and business that are available to you are one click away.

It's NOT your average Business Coaching Program.


The Last Marketing and Sales Formulas That You Will Ever Need

2K At A TIme will teach you exactly what to do to get paid, from mindset to marketing and a reliable sales process. You will learn how to maximize your impact.


Specific Money-Making Formulas

You will know what makes an offer compelling, and your clients will know what you are offering. You will know what to coach on and how to express that so your clients know exactly what their results are.

This skill alone will forever change your life.


Zero Fluff. Real-Time Coaching

No information overload. Here you get real-time coaching so you know how to run a consultation call, how to create content that attracts paying clients, how to get testimonials that sign more clients, and how to manage and process the emotions stopping you from doing what you need to get paid.


Never Feel "Behind"

I've carefully designed this program to focus on ACTION. You get one week of implementation between each phase so you have time to integrate the information and catch up if life or your mind gets in the way. The how-to formulas of business work, but they feel terrible if you don't manage the stress, anxiety, shame, and disappointment of chasing clients. 


Get The Answers And Support You Actually Need

Every one of my clients always walks away with EXACTLY what they came for and the support they always need. 

Here's a quick look at what you'll get inside my
High-Level Coaching Container

12 x weekly 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching calls with me where you get intensive coaching to help you clarify your message and learn the formulas you need to make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider. You get to break down all the barriers to your success.

Access to the call replays. Watch the replay of all your 1-on-1 coaching sessions any time you need to review a skill or reset your mindset

Access to Ask The Coach. Get help as you go through the process. Submit coaching questions in our member portal and get individualized coaching, tailored specifically to you as often as you need.

Access to templates and playbooks so you have plenty of time to implement and never have to buy another marketing and sales program again.

Lifetime Access. Once you are in the program, you are in for life. You get lifetime access to all future updates and additional content added to 2K At A Time, free of charge. This means that after your 1-on-1 sessions, we can continue working together on your business during weekly live group coaching calls. Let me say that again. You are in for life.

Plus these epic bonuses to help you

The Time Management Mastermind. Being an entrepreneur means that you need to have your time management and your attention level really dialed in. Not only will you get lifetime access to 2K At A Time but you also get lifetime access to The Time Management Mastermind. Join 2K At A Time, and you get to join the next round of the mastermind.

Access to Free & Unleashed. Join one or all weekly live coaching calls in this group coaching program. Bring your additional coaching questions related to your personal, professional, and business life. This is the perfect place to keep working on your business. Join 2K At A Time, and you're ready to join the next live group coaching call in a matter of days. You also get lifetime access to Free & Unleashed.


I have a confession to make...

I spent years believing that certifications and business plans were the secret to signing paying clients and becoming confident as a coach.


Even though I knew marketing and sales were part of the entrepreneurship journey, I used to HATE IT.​


I read so many books, took so many courses, working with a variety of coaches, but nothing seemed to helped me overcome the fear of what people thought about me when I spoke my mind and ask for money in exchange of the value I was offering.


For years, I was the coach helping a lot of people, for free. 


And I was great at it.


I was always grinding. Always hustling.


... but, I got to a point that I knew I had to do things differently.


I wanted to show up as a coach that I knew people were craving.


I wanted to create a new kind of program. One that connected with the clients that were truly ready to create change in their lives and businesses.


It turned out, I was right.

This is possible for you, too.


This is an application-only program because I want to make sure this program is the perfect fit for you.


Join - 2k At A Time - NOW

You get...

12 x 60-minute 1-on-1 coaching calls to work on your marketing message and the formulas you need to make money as a coach, consultant, and service-based provider.


Access to all 1-on-1 coaching call replays.


Unlimited coaching through Ask The Coach.


Lifetime Access to The Time Management Mastermind to help you manage your time and your mind, and set the standard for what's possible to achieve in your life.​


Lifetime Access to Free & Unleashed group coaching program to continue working on your personal, professional, and business life.


And lifetime access to all future updates and additional content added to 2K At A Time.


Your Investment: $2,000 USD

Got More Questions?
Get some answers here

Here are some answers to the most common questions people ask before joining the 2k At A Time program.

  • Who is this program for?
    Whether you want to work on your personal, professional, or business life, this program is designed for people wanting to create an amazing transformation and get consistent results.
  • My vision and purpose aren't clear. What do I need to have in place to be successful in this program?
    You're in the right place! This program has been designed to help you get super clear on your vision, purpose, and mission to create empowering habits, inspiring goals, and exponential and sustainable results. As long as you're prepared to do the work , you have what it takes to be successful in this program.
  • What is the difference between you and other coaches?
    This isn't therapy. This is an accelerator program where I'm committed to growing your personal and professional life and getting you actionable steps to implement immediately for direct exponential results. I'm not just giving you materials to read or videos to watch. You get a transformational process.
  • Is this program going to show me how to implement new habits and goals?
    Yes! This program is going to show you how to create actionable steps built on your unique vision and purpose. I'll guide you every step of the way.
  • What's your coaching style?
    This is always an important question. I use tools and strategies drawn from mindset coaching, life coaching, business coaching, mindfulness, neuroscience, psychology, mediation, NLP, goal setting, habit formation, etc. All tools and strategies are adapted to your needs.
  • Can you guarantee my results?
    No, nobody can guarantee your results. Just like any new project, it'll require your risk by pouring in your time, energy, and intention into your new desired vision and life. This is the beauty of the transformation you are committing to. You're investing because you have access to expertise and experience proven to grow your life.
  • When are the call times?  I'm in Europe, Middle East, or Asia and I want to know if I'll be able to make it."
    Excellent question. I'm based in Mexico and my clients are from all over the world. The calls are in Central Standard Time (Chicago time). You'll have access to the monthly schedule for all live calls.
  • What is Coaching?
    Coaching focuses on the future. It works with the client in being able to see possibilities. It then uses the client’s talents and skills to create a path to this possibility, further helping the client make this possibility a reality. Coaching is not used to address a mental health issue.

What Happens When You Apply?

When you click the 'APPLY' button, you are going to be taken to the calendar platform so you can schedule a consultation and answer a few questions about you and your business to get a feel for whether or not we are a good fit to work together.


These questions will help have a better understanding about your business. So, please be as clear as possible.


The spots always sell out.


That means the best time to apply was yesterday, and the next best time to apply is right now.

Imagine knowing exactly what to say to your target audience in your marketing message so you can create paying clients.

Imagine being able to consistently create content that shows your target audience what they want, reminds them why it's important, and shows them your authority at the same time.

Imagine receiving messages from potential paying clients because they felt a pull to work with you.

Imagine closing paying clients on the spot with confidence.

You don't have to imagine it for much longer.

This is the reality that's possible after 

2k At A Time.

So, are you ready to be an in-demand paid 

coach, consultant, and
service-based provider?

Don't just take my word for it.
See what others are saying about working with me.


Still have concerns and questions?
Send us a message using the form below.


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